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Fichier:IconLarge Shaman.gif Chaman
Shaman Crest
Jouable parDraeneïDraeneï Draeneï

GobelinGobelin Gobelin
Kul TirassienKul Tirassien Kul Tirassien
NainNain Nain
Nain SombreferNain Sombrefer Nain Sombrefer
Orc Mag'harOrc Mag'har Orc Mag'har
OrcOrc Orc
PandarenPandaren Pandaren
TaurenTauren Tauren
Tauren de Haut-RocTauren de Haut-Roc Tauren de Haut-Roc
TrollTroll Troll
Troll ZandalariTroll Zandalari Troll Zandalari

Vulpérin (jouable) Vulpérin (jouable) Vulpérin (jouable)
SpécialisationsEnhancement Amélioration (DPS en mêlée)
Elemental Elementaire (DPS à distance)
Restoration Restauration (soigneur)
Ressource(s)Mana, Maëlstrom
Attribut principalAgilité, Intelligence
Compétences d'armesDagues, Armes de pugilat, Masses à Une main ou à Deux mains, Haches et Bâtons.
Compétences d'armuresMaille
Compétence(s)Furie sanguinaire/Héroïsme
Pluie guérisseuse
Horion de flammes

Les Chamans sont des médiateurs mortels entre les éléments. Ce sont souvent des guides spirituels de leurs communautés, qui peuvent communier avec leurs ancêtres et établir la balance entre les forces élémentaires, et peuvent appeler ces forces au cours de bataille pour attaquer leurs ennemis, se renforcer ou soigner ses alliés. Le Chaman peut améliorer ses armes avec des effets élémentaires, frapper ses ennemis avec des chaînes d'éclairs ou des éruptions de lave et invoquer de puissants élémentaires pour les aider.

Les Chamans sont une classe hybride, capable de se spécialiser dans les sorts offensifs, les dommages en mêlée ou les soins. Cette classe est donc considéée comme très adaptable et versatile. Les chamans peuvent également utiliser des totems stationnaires pour gagner une grande variété d'effets, comme de la restauration de mana ou du soin automatique d'alliés voire l'attaque d'ennemis du chaman.

Vue d'ensemble[ | ]

Les chamans sont des guides spirituels qui font appel à des puissances non pas divines mais élémentaires. Ce mysticisme particulier amène le chaman à communier avec des forces qui ne sont pas toujours bienveillantes. Les éléments sont chaotiques, et livrés à eux-mêmes, ils se déchaînent les uns contre les autres dans une fureur primale permanente. Il est du devoir des chamans d'amener un équilibre dans ce chaos. Capable de modérer la terre, le feu, l'eau et l'air, le chaman invoque des totems qui dirigent ces forces pour soutenir ses alliés ou frapper leurs adversaires.[1]

Guide du jeu[ | ]

Adepte des éléments

Les chamans sont des guides spirituels qui font appel à des puissances non pas divines mais élémentaires. Ce mysticisme particulier amène le chaman à communier avec des forces qui ne sont pas toujours bienveillantes. Les éléments sont chaotiques, et livrés à eux-mêmes, ils se déchaînent les uns contre les autres dans une fureur primale permanente. Il est du devoir des chamans d’amener un équilibre dans ce chaos. Capable de modérer la terre, le feu, l’eau et l’air, le chaman invoque des totems qui dirigent ces forces pour soutenir ses alliés ou frapper leurs adversaires.

Généralités Pendant les combats, les chamans disposent des totems pour infliger des dégâts ou maîtriser la zone afin d’optimiser leur efficacité tout en entravant leurs ennemis. Ils sont suffisamment polyvalents pour se jeter dans la mêlée et porter de cruels coups à leur cibles, ou les attaquer à distance à l’aide de leur magie ; mais un chaman prudent et sage choisira son mode d’attaque en fonction des forces et faiblesses de son adversaire.[2]

Description de l'écran de création[ | ]

Shaman commune directly with the elements. Their combination of wisdom and resilience makes them ideal as tribal advisors and leaders. In battle the shaman uses totems and spells to manipulate the elements and provoke other fighters into untold heights of rage and might. Shamans exemplify the primal bond between the savage races and their environment.[3]

Shaman use the power of the elements to enhance their weapon damage or spells. Shaman summon totems in combat, small objects that disable enemies, heal, or cause damage to enemies.

Guide de Classic[ | ]

Limited to the Horde, Shamans commune with the chaotic elements, harnessing primal fury to enhance weapons, empower totems, and augment their own abilities.[4]

Histoire[ | ]


Le Long-voyant Nobundo, premier des chamans draeneï.

Shamanism has existed since the sapient races first discovered the power of the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.[5] On Draenor, now shattered Outland, the orcs were shamanistic; on Azeroth, trolls and tauren were shamanistic. Though shamanism on Azeroth flourished and still continues to, shamanism on Draenor was all but extinct by the time of the great crossing of the Horde into Azeroth via the Dark Portal. The greatest and yet some of the most vilified orcs were once shaman; Zuluhed the Whacked, Ner'zhul, and even Gul'dan were all previously shaman. However, Kil'jaeden, current lord over the Burning Legion, distorted the shaman's connection with their spirits in the sacred mountain of Oshu'gun, himself taking on the form of the shaman's ancestors to convince the shaman (who held much political sway in the orcish culture) that the Draenei were the enemy. The ensuing massacres upon several Draenei hunting parties offended the spirits, who eventually denied the shaman their powers.

All was set for the transition.

Cut off from their elemental powers, the former shaman turned to the more efficient and masterful powers of the Burning Legion, becoming Warlocks. Though many tried to hang onto their roots, it was impossible. Even Drek'Thar was sucked into the dark magics, though he later repented and to this day has never forgiven himself for the acceptance of the demonic corruption that plagues himself and the orc race.

Ner'zhul was the warlock who created the portals from Draenor to many other worlds. The many portals ripped Draenor apart, creating the ravaged land of Outland. He repented but was dragged back into the fold by Kil'jaeden who promised him an endless existence of suffering and pain if he did not serve the Legion. Ner'zhul accepted this second chance at serving the Legion and was changed into the mighty being the Lich King and used to inhabit the body of Arthas Menethil, his first and most powerful of the second generation of Death knights, until Arthas' eventual defeat, and Bolvar Fordragon took his place as the new Lich King.

Back in Outland, the elements slowly recovered from the turmoil and uncertainty of being ravaged along with the land when the portals were opened. For some time, they were lost, confused and neglected: very much like, they sensed, a kindred spirit in a certain Broken draenei named Nobundo was. Hopeful that he would be receptive to contact with them, they did so once they recovered sufficiently enough to reach out once again... and found that he was.

In an experience that was probably not too dissimilar to the first ancient shaman of other races, the elements themselves taught Nobundo the delicate balance of nature and the powers and truth of the Five Elements. Spending years primarily as a student of the elements, Nobundo would become a teacher himself, seeking out his first students among his own people at Telredor in Zangarmarsh and opened a new path for the draenei.

Troisième guerre[ | ]

Voir également: Chaman (Warcraft III)

Shamanism in the orcs remained all but extinct until Thrall, the son of the deceased Durotan and future chieftain of the Frostwolf clan, grabbed hold of the reins of Warchief of the New Horde, ushering in a new generation of shamanism, breaking the crippling lethargy of the captive orcs and outlawing the dark magic of the Burning Legion. At the time of the internment camps, a shaman was a derogatory term for someone who told fantastical and unbelievable stories.[6] Shamanism is now at its peak, though, as the New Horde itself became led by a shaman of great power in the new orcish kingdom of Durotar.

Shaman use the four elements and "spirit" to bring them to life. Only dark shaman forego spirit and use the elements with decay.[7]

Généralités[ | ]


Urrth, un chaman orc.

À l'origine les chamans étaient une classe exclusive à la Horde est disponible pour les taurens, orcs et trolls. La classe était designée comme l'équivalent de la classe exclusive de l'Alliance, les paladins, et les deux classes partageaient plusieurs qualités comme des améliorations, la capacité d'être un tank secondaire, et de puissants sorts de soins. Cependant, équilibre les deux classes pour empêcher une faction d'avoir un avantage sur l'autre était trop difficile pour les développeurs, ce qui bloquait le développement des deux classes. Après la sortie de The Burning Crusade en 2007, l'Alliance a pu avoir accès à la classe de chaman avec l'ajout de la race des draeneïs, alors que la Horde a eu accès à la classe des paladins grâce aux elfes de sang. Avec les deux factions ayant accès aux deux classes, les développeurs purent équilibrer les chamans faces aux autres classes sans devoir copier les paladins. Les extensions suivantes ont permis d'avoir de nouvelles races de chamans. Ainsi, certains gobelins ont adoptés les voies chamaniques pour améliorer leurs profits et les nains commencent à utiliser les traditions chamaniques. Les pandarens peuvent également être des chamans, tout comme certaines races alliées (Nains Sombrefer, Kul Tirassiens, Taurens de Haut-Roc, Mag'har, Trolls Zandalari et Vulpérins. .

Dans le passé, les chamans étaient souvent vu comme très polyvalent. Cela était du au fait qu'il pouvoir utiliser de nombreuses techniques hors du champ de leur spécialisation. Ce fut également le résultat du modèle iconique du [[Totem de chaman|totem] de chaman de Cataclysm, pour lequel de nombreuses classes fournissaient des versions plus puissantes des améliorations totémiques du chaman, mais aucune classe n'avait la même variété d'améliorations. Après le changement du système des totems au patch 5.0.4, les chamans peuvent désormais fournir des améliorations puissantes et uniques à leurs alliés. Leur autre intérêt est leur accès à deux sorts de contrôle de foule : Maléfice et un ancien sort permettant de lier les éléments. Enfin, la combinaison de Réincarnation et Esprit ancestral fait des chamans la seule classe capable d'initier une recréation de groupe sans aide extérieure. Ces techniques font du chaman l'une des plus puissantes classes de soutien du jeu.

En jeu, les chamans peuvent remplir trois rôles : DPS à distance, DPS en mêlée et soigneur. Ces rôles sont représentés par les Spécialisations : Élémentaire, Amélioration et Restoration. À l'origine, les chamans Améliorations avaient pour but d'être des tanks secondaires pour contrer les techniques des paladins Protection. Quand la Horde a gagné accès aux Paladins et l'addition des chevaliers de la mort, ont fait disparaître la nécessité d'avoir des chamans tanks. Même si les développeurs poussent la classe pour remplir uniquement les rôles de DPS et soigneurs, certains joueurs utilisent encore les chamans Amélioration comme tanks pour des combats simples. Cependant le retrait de la statistique de défense au patch 4.0.1 a rendu les chamans impossible de tanker pour empêcher les coups critiques, finissant leur rôle de tank.

Grennan Stormspeaker TCG

Grennan Parle-Tempête, un chaman tauren

Chamans notables[ | ]

Grennan Stormspeaker TCG

Grennan Parletempête, un chaman tauren

Voir article : Liste de chamans

Nom Rôle Affiliation Statut Localisation
Horde IconSmall Go'el Thrall Fondateur et ancien Chef de guerre de la Nouvelle Horde, ancien dirigeant du Cercle terrestre Clan Loup-de-Givre, Cercle terrestre, Horde Vivant Variées
Horde IconSmall Drek'Thar Drek'Thar Chef et ancien shaman du Clan Loup-de-Givre Clan Loup-de-Givre, Cercle terrestre, Horde Vivant Variées
Neutral IconSmall Magatha Magatha Totem-Sinistre Chef de la Tribu Totem-Sinistre Tribu Totem-Sinistre Vivante Inconnue
Neutral IconSmall Ner'zhul Ner'zhul Ancien chaman du Clan Ombrelune et Chef de guerre de la Horde de Draenor Légion Ardent Décédé Inconnu
Alliance IconSmall Nobundo Long-voyant Nobundo Premier chaman draeneï Exodar, Cercle terrestre, Alliance Vivant Variées
Neutral IconSmall Muln Muln Rageterre Ancien dirigeant du Cercle terrestre Cercle terrestre Vivant Variées
Neutral IconSmall Rehgar Rehgar Rageterre Conseiller de Thrall, représentant chaman du Nouveau Conseil de Tirisfal, ancien maître gladiateur Horde, Cercle terrestre, Nouveau Conseil de Tirisfal Vivant Variées
Mob Zuluhed le Fourbu Ancien chef du Clan Gueule-de-dragon Clan Gueule-de-dragon, Illidari Décédé-Tuable Fortresse Gueule-de-Dragon, Vallée Ombrelune

Organisations chamanes[ | ]

  • NeutralCercle terrestre: Un groupe de chaman composé de toutes les races connectées aux esprits éléemtaires, dont les orcs, les taurens, les trolls, les Mag'har, les Roués, les draeneïs, les taunkas, les nains Marteau-Hardi, les nains, et les gobelins.
  • Alliance Confrérie sans nom de chamans Draeneï dirigée par le Long-voyant Nobundo.Modèle:Fact
  • Mob Les Sombres Chamans, un groupe de chaman déviants orcs viavant sous Orgrimmar.

Races[ | ]

Voir article : Races de chamans

Kylanda the Harmonious TCG

Kylanda l'Harmonieuse, une chaman draeneï.

La classe chaman peut être jouée par les races suivantes:

Force Agilité Endurance Intelligence Esprit Armure Santé Mana
Alliance Alliance DraeneïDraeneï Draeneï TBC 22 17 21 21 24 34 59 90
NainNain Nain Cataclysm 22 16 23 22 21 90 69 75
Nain SombreferNain Sombrefer Sombrefer Battle for Azeroth N/A
Kul TirassienKul Tirassien Kul Tirassien Battle for Azeroth N/A
Neutral Neutral PandarenPandaren Pandaren MoP 21 18 22 20 24 37 123 40
Horde Horde GobelinGobelin Gobelin Cataclysm 18 22 21 24 20 N/A
OrcOrc Orc WoW Icon 16x16 24 17 22 18 24 34 69 73
TaurenTauren Tauren WoW Icon 16x16 26 16 22 17 24 32 70 72
TrollTroll Troll WoW Icon 16x16 22 22 21 17 23 44 59 72
Tauren de Haut-RocTauren de Haut-Roc Haut-Roc Legion N/A
Orc Mag'harOrc Mag'har Mag'har Battle for Azeroth N/A
Troll ZandalariTroll Zandalari Zandalari Battle for Azeroth N/A

Spécialisations[ | ]

Pour une liste complète des techniques de spécialisation, voir Techniques de chaman
Spell nature lightning

Élémentaire[ | ]

Shaman preview Elemental

Un lanceur de sorts qui fait appel aux forces destructrices de la nature et des éléments.

Elemental shaman are powerful spellcasters, fulfilling a caster DPS role to blast and scorch enemies from afar. They benefit from numerous improvements to their offensive spell casting abilities, boasting reduced cooldowns and mana costs, and increased crit chance, range and damage dealt for many of their spells. Dedicated casters, Elemental shaman' play is augmented with a number of mechanics rewarding spell-casting, including Elemental Focus and Lava Surge They also gain some unique abilities of their own, including the iconic Thunderstorm - a powerful knockback ability notorious for propelling enemies from high edges in PvP - and their Mastery: Elemental Overload. Elemental is the choice for shaman who want to play a ranged damage-dealer and maximize their damage output with their spells.

Earthquake is another Elemental ability which while broadly similar to Blizzard and Rain of Fire, also has utility in being able to knock down foes caught in its area of effect, making it very versatile in both PvE and PvP settings when used right. Combining their Chain Lightning and Earthquake, an Elemental shaman can do considerable AoE damage.

The most important attribute for Elemental is intellect, which increases spell power. The second-most important statistic is haste, which increases their casting speed.

Certain shaman have dedicated themselves above all else to forging a deep bond with the elements. They have peered beyond the Elemental Plane, gleaning visions of an ancient past where manifestations of volatile energies once raged unimpeded across primordial Azeroth. Through careful study and dedication, the elemental shaman is able to channel such power into destructive magical surges. Through the body of the shaman flows bolts of lightning, as if from storm, and bursts of fire, as if from molten earth. They manipulate the land itself and summon spirits of earth, fire, and storm to their aid. To battle an elemental shaman is to taunt the very forces of nature.[8]

Spell shaman improvedstormstrike

Amélioration[ | ]

Shaman preview Enhancement

Un guerrier totémique qui frappe avec des armes imprégnées de puissance élémentaire.

Enhancement shaman are melee damage dealers, smiting opponents with elementally-empowered weapons. A unique melee spec that derives a large portion of its damage from spells, the playstyle of an Enhancement shaman is very active and hectic. Using the right abilities at the right time, combined with Maelstrom Weapon procs, it's a very engaging spec to play.

Signature abilities of this spec include Dual Wield (shaman ability), giving shaman the ability to dual wield one-handed-weapons, Windfury, which gives a chance of each of your main hand attack to trigger extra attacks, and Stormstrike, which allows the shaman to hit with both weapons at once for a large amount of damage.

Enhancement Shamans use Maelstrom (game resource) as their resource instead of mana. They passively generate Maelstrom with each auto attack, and can also actively generate it with Rockbiter. They spend their Maelstrom through their usage of Lava Lash, Crash Lightning and many other skills.

Finally, Feral Spirit allows enhancement shaman to summon a pair of immensely powerful spirit wolves which add a fair amount to the shaman's DPS while active, as well as generating Maelstrom for each time they attack. (and providing some unique utility, in breaking snares, sprinting, stunning, and taunting enemies).

Intense communion with fire, earth, air, and water isn’t exclusive to the elemental shaman. In many ways, enhancement shaman similarly bond with nature and leverage its power on the battlefield. What distinguishes them in their training—and in their connection with the elements—is their combat methodology. These shaman favor empowering their physical attacks with elemental energies and facing their adversaries up close. They don’t shy from the frontlines, wielding magically augmented weapons, potent elemental attacks, and totems that shape the tide of battle.[8]

Spell nature magicimmunity

Restoration[ | ]

Shaman preview Restoration

Un soigneur qui fait appel aux esprits ancestraux et aux pouvoirs de l'eau pour soigner ses alliés.

Restoration shaman are versatile healers well suited for any situation, with numerous passive abilities reducing the casting time and mana cost of healing spells, while increasing their effectiveness. On top of that they offer good utility (like mana regeneration using Mana Tide Totem) and strong multi-target healing through Chain Heal and Healing Rain. Signature abilities include Earth Shield, a long-term buff that triggers a heal whenever the target is damaged, and Riptide, an instant cast heal and an HoT.

An important mechanic of the restoration shaman is the Tidal Waves buff, granted upon casting a Riptide or a Chain Heal. This buff has initially two stacks. A single stack is consumed upon casting a Greater Healing Wave or a Healing Surge. A spent charge makes a Greater Healing Wave much faster to cast or increases the crit chance of a Healing Surge. This makes careful management of Riptide, Chain Heal, Tidal Waves and the Healing Wave spells essential for a good Restoration shaman.

Restoration shaman are highly effective in PvP and group PvE, the only drawback being their rather low damage output, which can make solo play more difficult. In return, a Restoration shaman hardly ever dies while questing/soloing.

Restoration shaman should focus on intellect, seeking to maximize their healing output while maintaining enough mana regeneration to last the fight.

Some shaman find a serene affinity for the restorative properties of water. These shaman do not necessarily seek the Light or turn to the divine, yet they feel a profound spiritual connection with the source from which all mortal life took root. So strong is their connection with water that the shaman is able to restore life and heal afflictions. They balance this with a command of the other elements, finding harmony in nature and purifying their allies as a tidal surge washes across a sandy shore.[8]

Equipement[ | ]


Chaman orc

Shaman Concept

Concept art de chaman

Shaman can cloth armor and leather armor and mail armor, but they should seek to only wear mail armor. Shaman will often compete with Hunters for armor, since both classes use Mail armor.. All shaman specifications can equip daggers, staves, fist weapons and shields; as well as, one or two-handed axes and maces. In Patch 2.0.1, Enhancement shaman gained the ability to dual wield. Prior to Mists of Pandaria, shaman equipped a Totem, in their relic slot in lieu of having a ranged weapon. However, with Patch 5.0.4 the ranged weapon slot was removed and the relic items were phased out.

Enhancement shaman should dual wield agility weapons. Elemental and Restoration shaman should equip a Intellect main hand weapon and a shield. Caster shaman may also equip non-shield off-hand items or, if the stats are more beneficial, staves.

There are a number of end-game gear sets for shaman to use ranging from Molten Core's Tier 1 to Mists of Pandaria's Tier 15. There are also multiple sets for PvP which can be purchased with honor points and conquest points. Most of these sets can be found on the Shaman sets page.

The Leatherworking profession is capable of crafting many pieces of mail armor that are attractive to both PvE and PvP focused shaman. Uncommon quality armor sets, like the Nerubian Hive or Heavy Scorpid Armor can provide useful upgrades while leveling; however, the highest quality pieces often require materials which can only be collected in a raid setting, and may be very expensive.

See also:
Shaman tactics
Tribemother Torra TCG

Tribemother Torra, a tauren shaman.

Totems[ | ]

Totems are unique to the shaman, and give them access to unique and powerful abilities. Once a totem is put down, it cannot be moved, so the shaman must have the intended position in mind when using it.

Only Restoration has baseline access to totems, one example being Healing Tide Totem. Enhancement and Elemental need to spec into certain totem talents to have access to totems themselves, such as Totem Mastery for Elemental and Enhancement, or extra totems for Restoration such as Earthen Wall Totem.

  • See the shaman totems page for complete list of totems, and additional details.

Sorts[ | ]


Orono the Great, another draenei shaman.

Shaman spells include direct damage spells, heals, and weapon buffs among others. Their spells are mostly based on the elements.

Shaman also are graced with Astral Recall, a spell similar to the Hearthstone, but it can only be used when out of combat, and is on a separate shorter cooldown.

Armes[ | ]

Memri the Channeler TCG

Memri the Channeler, another draenei shaman.

  • Maces (1-handed) (2-handed)
  • Staves (2-handed)
  • Shields (off-hand)
  • Daggers (1-handed)
  • Fist Weapons (1-handed)
  • Axes (1-handed) (2-handed)

Two Handed Maces and Axes were originally a 10-point talent (named simply Two-handed Axes and Maces) for Enhancement, but became trainable proficiencies in Patch 2.3.

Ne peuvent utiliser[ | ]

  • Swords (1-handed or 2-handed)
  • Polearms
  • Ranged weapons (wands, bows, throwing weapons, crossbows, guns)

Attentes en fin de jeu[ | ]


Gladiator Sepirion, another troll shaman.

Totems are a major part of the end game and knowing what totems will benefit the shaman's group members best in different situations is all part of the strategy involved in playing a shaman. All shamans have access to powerful spells such as Heroism/Bloodlust, a powerful raid-wide cooldown that considerably increases everyone haste for a long period of time, and useful utility such as Hex and Purge.

An elemental shaman will be expected to maximize their damage output as a ranged DPS through careful management of their stats such as Intellect and Versatility, and usage of their offensive spells such as Lava Burst. They are able to call upon Fire Elemental (shaman ability) for extra damage and also Earth Elemental (shaman ability) if the shaman requires help tanking an enemy mob.

An enhancement shaman will be expected to maximize their damage as a melee DPS by stacking stats such as Haste, Agility and Critical Strike. They have access to elemental buffs such as Flametongue to increase their damage output and powerful abilities like Stormstrike to devastate all enemies within melee range.

A restoration shaman will be expected to maximize their healing, and much like an elemental shaman requires Intellect and Critical Strike. They also have access to a vast array of totems to aid their healing, from the minor Healing Stream Totem, to the powerful raid-wide healing of the Healing Tide Totem, to the potentially raid saving Spirit Link Totem.

Dans le RPG[ | ]

The RPG Icon 16x36 Le contenu de cette section est exclusif au RPG Warcraft et ne constitue pas une référence.

Shamans are spiritual visionaries of tribes and clans. These gifted warriors can see into the world of spirits and communicate with creatures invisible to eyes of normal beings. They are beset by visions of the future and use their sight to guide their people through troubled times. Although the shaman may seem wise and serene at first glance, he is a formidable foe; when angered, his wrath is as fierce as those who have a connection to Eternals or nature.[9]

Anecdotes[ | ]

  • In Warcraft II the differences between shaman and warlock were not yet well established, as it was stated that shaman could manipulate "the cold, negative-energies of the Twisting Nether".[10] In the canceled Warcraft Adventures, Thrall had to learn some of the dark magics of the death knights in order to become shaman, referring to the older background about the ancestral religion of the orcs being necromantic instead of elemental.[11]
  • During the early beta days of World of Warcraft shaman could only wear bucklers instead of any shields.
  • Shaman have a "natural magnetism."[12]
  • A knowledgeable shaman can hear the sound of all the world's tongues on the wind.[13]

Galerie[ | ]

Warcraft III[ | ]

Vidéos[ | ]

Changements lors de patchs[ | ]

  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (20-07-2016) : Commence avec une armure de maille au niveau 1 au lieu d'une armure en cuir.
  • Modèle:Patch 5.1.0
  • MoP Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28) :
    • Les reliques ont été retirées du jeu.
    • Les totems ne donnent plus de buffs sur le long-terme. Certains anciens passifs sont maintenant innés au chaman. Les totems ont maintenant des bénéfices à court-terme et situationnels.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12) : Les Totems n'ont plus besoin d'être dans le sac. Beaucoup de quêtes de totems ont été retirées.
  • WotLK Patch 3.2.0 (04/08/2009) :
    • Une barre de totems customisable est disponible, permettant d'avoir unu raccourci pour 4 totems différents. Ces totems peuvent être placés sur le sol en une fois avec un temps de recharge global et un coût en mana combiné..
    • La santé de base a été amélioré de 7 % pour corriger le fait que les chamans aient une santé plus basse que d'autres classes.
  • WotLK Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14) : Tous les totems sont considérés comme "Physique" et non plus "Magique".
  • TBC Patch 2.0.1 (2006-12-05) :
    • Avec l'introduction des draeneïs, les chamans sont jouables par les deux factions.
    • Les chamans avec les spécialisations appropriées peuvent avoir deux armes.

Références[ | ]

  3. World of Warcraft: Classic class description
  4. Taking Your First Steps in World of Warcraft Classic
  5. World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 90
  6. Lord of the Clans, pg 98
  7. Dave Kosak on Twitter
  8. 8,0 8,1 et 8,2 Erreur de référence : Balise <ref> incorrecte : aucun texte n’a été fourni pour les références nommées Class Preview
  9. World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg 71
  10. Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, The History of Orcish Ascension, The Rise of the Shadow Council
  11. Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual, Orcish Horde of the First War, Necrolyte
  12. Clutch Play
  13. Speaking with the Wind's Voice

Liens externes[ | ]

Modèle:Classfooter Modèle:WoW RPG classes
